Here is a towel hoodie your kids will adore for beach or bath time. Depicted on this exceptionally soft towel is Marian at the pond with all her animal friends from the new children's book Marian the animalitarian. Don't forget to include a book if you haven't already.
Material: 66% polyester (outer-layer), 34% terry cotton loop (lining)
One size: 24" × 48" (61cm × 121.9cm )
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concerned with or seeking to promote animal welfare and happiness: pertaining to
saving animal lives and the alleviation of their pain and suffering: groups sending
animalitarian aid | an animalitarian organization | an animalitarian crisis.
a person who seeks to promote animal welfare and social reform; a philanthropist.

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Animalitarian is an informative blog site, brand, shop, and children's book series about animals. We offer stylish
animal-inspired clothing, accessories, shoes, jewelry,
games,and home goods for the entire family.
A percentage of proceeds go to
support various animal causes.
February - March we are
donating to Oceana.

for every
living being
We are their voice, protector, and friend.
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