Be the envy of all your friends with these amazing sneakers! From our exclusive new collection, Moth Gala - these classic high-top sneakers celebrate the exquiste beauty of the Moon Moth. Made with breathable polyester canvas and featuring hi-poly deodorant memory foam insoles, these women's high top sneakers bear all the marks of an awesome shoe.
Breathable polyester canvas
Hi-poly deodorant memory foam insoles
EVA shock-absorbing layer
Full wraparound print (left side, right side, tongue)
Durable rubber outsole
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concerned with or seeking to promote animal welfare and happiness: pertaining to
saving animal lives and the alleviation of their pain and suffering: groups sending
animalitarian aid | an animalitarian organization | an animalitarian crisis.
a person who seeks to promote animal welfare and social reform; a philanthropist.

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Animalitarian is an informative blog site, brand, shop, and children's book series about animals. We offer stylish
animal-inspired clothing, accessories, shoes, jewelry,
games,and home goods for the entire family.
A percentage of proceeds go to
support various animal causes.
January - February we are
donating to Oceana.

for every
living being
We are their voice, protector, and friend.
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